Rouse with Purpose

I'm sure you have heard the phrase "rabble rouser" before. Do you know what a rabble is? What does it mean to rouse the rabble and what is the rabble anyway?

If you Google "rabble", it will tell you that rabble refers to a disorderly crowd of people, the lowest or coarsest class of people, even a disorderly mob.... Not really a way I want to be described!

So, my question for you is, are YOU a rabble rouser? One who rouses- or gets all riled up- the rabble? Do you want to stir up a disorderly crowd or coarse class of person? Even more important, do you let the rabble rouse you?

I love what you find in the Bible! I found the word rabble- that seems crazy to me, such a common term now in 2010 and it is found waaay back in the Old Testament, used at a time that the Israelites are wandering in the desert for hundreds of years. Did you know that there was a group of non- Israelite people that left Egypt with them, followed and camped on the outskirts? Can you imagine being part of that rabble? It wasn't your Exodus, but you just follwed this big group of people and then you don't ever seem to be going anywhere and there isn't any real food to eat and there seems to be no end in sight? What would you begin to say, how would your attitude be?

The Israelites were already grumpy and tired. I'm quite certain that the rabble being all roused up was not good for their attitude towards this adventure they were on with God. We are on an adventure with God everyday on this Earth. We are in the wilderness many times in our lives. How is our attitude and do we surround ourselves with rabble- do we listen to rabble when it rouses?

In Numbers 11:2, it says "When the people cried out to Moses, he prayed to the Lord". How often do you pray to the Lord, when people are whining and crying all around you? When a friend comes to you, complaining about their husband, their kids, job, life you join in the rabble or do you rise up and call out to the Lord? I'm not talking about judging them or getting superior to them in their time of need, I'm suggesting that we offer to pray with them right then and claim victory and peace in their life. We all know the devil has- and will- come to steal, kill and destroy, so how can we be a warrior in the midst of our experience and our adventure here. How can we rise above the coarse class and share victories in our adventures?

Separate yourself from the coarsest class and disorderly mob and ask God for your provision. Ask God to be your attitude, your heart.. and then share Him with someone as they fight the rabble. To God be the Glory.


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