Realizing the Purpose

I cannot contain this wonderful excitement in this incredible journey!
God uses people to reach us and He used so many people along the way to reach me. As I began to feel that peace He was creating in me, that renewing of my spirit, I began to crave more of Him, desire Him fully in my life and what His purpose was for me.
I have recently been enlightened (although it seems like common sense) that "when we quench the Holy Spirit within us, by refusing His authority over us, He retreats his activity and fullness in us, sometimes to the point that we may not even sense His presence."Beth Moore Ouch!
I have anguished a lot in the past year asking Him to show me what He wanted me to do in ministering to others. But, let me tell you I have quenched Him in me often! And, then I'm thinking "God, where are you- I'm not feeling you..."
I mean, seriously, what would you do if everytime a friend of yours asked you for advice or input in their life and then you gave it to them and they turned around and blatantly ignored it! At some point, you'd move on, quit giving the advice, right?! :)
He began to show me that I had to completely renew my mind from all of my past. Psalm 130:3-4, 7 If you, O LORD, kept a record of sins, O LORD, who could stand? But with you there is forgiveness; therefore you are feared. O, Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with HIM is full redemption. In order for Him to truly renew a steadfast spirit within me, I have to allow Him to redeem me from my own record of sins that I hold onto. It is not enough here on earth to just ask for forgiveness; we must allow Him to take away what Satan wants to keep bringing up!
He desires for us to be obedient in that process and I have begun to do it. It has only been since then that I was clear enough to hear Him to begin this journey of a "blog." He sent me someone as an example, as an inspiration, unexpectedly, of course! He is such a fun and great GOD! HE makes me laugh all the time- at myself!
What area of your life do you need to renew? If you are like me it is OH SO MANY! LORD, may all who ask this question, give them an answer- something concrete for them to seek from you! AMEN! Hallelujah!


Mom said…
I am so pleased for you in what is happening in your spritual walk. The more you get on the Lord's way for you, the more you will be able to go.
I am very excited about what the Lord is doing with you - using you, growing you, loving you!
sparkled*life said…
Hey girl I am so proud of you! You did it!!!

Keep this in mind. While walking closer with God there are times you think you can almost feel His very hand on you. Then there are other times that you don't feel Him at all. Keep in mind faith goes out on what our heart knows to be true. We have to know that He is always there no matter what. That is why lean no to your own understanding takes on a whole new meaning.

I am so proud of you. I have watched you come a long way over the last year! Keep going the way you are headed, you have HUGE potential on your life and with God you are unstopable.
Intercessor said…
To have been blessed to witness your being a caterpillar growing, then in your strife to build the cocoon, then to be still in that cocoon and listen to Him, now to stretch your beautiful butterfly wings to the heavens.......keep writing the words that He gives you and planting the seeds that he would have you plant, you may not see them come to fruition but someone will. Your purpose is obedience, look what the Lord has done and is going to do......praise Him in all things, you definitely took that phrase to heart because that is what this site is doing........Amen, sister!!

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